Charlie Austin Lucky Not To Be Punished For Horror Jossl Tackle

Charlie Austin Lucky Not To Be Punished For Horror Jossl Tackle
17:48, 23 Dec 2017

Charlie Austin was in the limelight at St Mary's today, and not all for the right reasons.

Having put Southampton ahead against Huddersfield, the former QPR man was lucky not to be sent off after a horror challenge on the Terriers goalkeeper on Jonas Lossl.

Lossl came out to collect the ball in front of an on-rushing Austin but rather than pull out, the in-form striker left a boot in and appeared to strike the stopper in the face. Social media erupted in the wake of the tackle but Lee Probert chose not to dish out a red card, and the FA are sure to be having a closer look.

Lossl was left with blood flowing down his face, and Austin now faces the prospect of having Christmas off. The fixtures come thick and fast over the festive period but if the FA decide to punish the Saints Striker, he could face the possibility of missing the next three matches. Struggling Southampton have been struggling in front of goal of late, and Pellegrino will be eager to have his main man available for selection.

The game itself ended 1-1 but the result was lost in the wake of the x-rated challenge from Austin.

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