Celebrate VE Day With A Genuine WarDaddy Replica Jacket

Buzz Ricksons is one of the most authentic creators of military replica clothing
14:00, 08 May 2020

Buzz Ricksons started with a group of friends back in 1993 who shared a love of military clothing. Pop culture enthusiasts will already have noted that Captain Buzz Rickons was Steve McQueen’s character in 1962’s The War Lover (the story of a 1943 Flying Fortress pilot who dies dramatically when he flies his plane into the white cliffs of Dover).

Today, Buzz Ricksons is generally accepted as one of the most authentic creators of military replica clothing, covering everything from jackets, hats and shirts from WW2 to Vietnam. They take their craft seriously, and when they say replica, they mean it: “We carefully research and analyse existing vintage flight jackets.

We then make every effort to duplicate the material paying close attention to the woven fabric techniques. However, there have been times when we haven't been able to make the construction with the spinning and weaving machines available now. In those cases, we were forced to find old broken spinning and weaving machines and repair them to achieve our results.” That dedication means these come recommended. 

Find them at: buzzricksons.com

2nd Armoured Wardaddy 1st Pattern Tanker Jacket, £474.99

Yes, the one worn by Sherman tank commander Brad “Wardaddy” Pitt in Fury. This 100% cotton jacket is embellished with high-quality, mil-spec, embroidered 2nd Armoured Div shoulder device and sergeant stripes - exquisitely hand-sewn down in crosshatch stitching. It’s a winter jacket (it gets cold crossing France sticking out the top of a tank) but still recommended.

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Type G-1 VA-105 Gunslingers, £999

Tanned goatskin recreation of the flight jacket worn by LCDR D. F. Ranson in Vietnam. Ranson sewed patches from all the squadrons he flew with onto his jacket, and they are here, including the patch on the right sleeve for Operation Iron Hand, joint United States Air Force and Navy operation conducted during the Vietnam War.

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Type L2, £374.99

Standard U.S Army Air Force issue from 1945 onwards this jacket is lined with nylon-wool double-laced fabric and designed to keep you warm from 5 degrees Celsius upwards. It comes with a leather tab sewn into the front chest which is where you attach the oxygen mask retainer clip. Obviously.

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