Complete The Lockdown Look With A Decent Pair Of Sliders This Summer

Everyone from Adidas to Gucci have employed their finest designers to get in the game
09:00, 03 May 2020

The summer is almost here and never in the history of civilization has a nation been so prepared. The pasty faces that would once peek out from the dark recesses of the office before venturing blinking-eyed into the sunshine for the allotted 60 minutes of lunch, have now been replaced by Lockdown Look, a new half-way house between smart “Today is going to be my best day ever!” and shabby “Oooh, isn’t the sofa comfy”.   

We are all in shorts and tees, wandering aimlessly around the kitchen staring blankly at fridge items, just like that first morning in Ibiza as you summon up the courage to ask whatever-her-name-is to please leave now. The Lockdown Look is real, and the only way to really cap it off is with a decent pair of sliders. How much you spend is entirely down to your budget. Everyone from Adidas to Gucci have employed their finest designers to get in the game, meaning the choice is almost limitless. Here are five of the best.


Adilette Comfort, £32.95

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The three strong stripes across the top announce your arrival poolside, while the Cloudfoam Plus cushioned sole makes walking on tired feet a bit like popping out with a pair of pillows strapped to your toes. The good grip makes them ideal for that tricky distance between poolside lounger and bar (nobody likes that walk) and are comfortable enough for a day’s wear around the house.  


Lacoste Sliders, £25

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The big boys of 2019 are still worthy contenders for this summer and although they come in navy, you’re going to want white, mainly because you’ve inevitably bought a black Polo top and you need to mix things up. Sunglasses are mandatory for these, so save them for the hot days. 


Gucci Pursuit, £180

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The daddies of poolside, the Gucci slider, says ‘man of serious fashion’ and ‘gangster hiding out in Spain’ in equal measure. You can wear these solo, with socks, with shorts, with absolutely anything. And they are so comfortable, you do forget you’re wearing them. Expensive, but worth the effort.

Nike Offcourt, £31.95

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Nike do two versions of the Offcourt, black with subtle writing, and white, with Nike emblazoned across the lid. Go for the former, as even sporty sliders should be elegant. These sliders are built for comfort, with the Revive super-soft foam sole under your feet, and the soft lining of the strap across the top.   

Givenchy Slide, £200

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Gucci own the pool, but Givenchy own the town. You’ve bought the best, and people are going to stare at your feet, so white socks are a must for these. Perhaps not as comfortable as the others, these are statement sliders so look at them as an investment; at that price you’re going to need a few summers' worth of wear from them.

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