WAES Footwear launches the world’s first 100% zero-waste, plastic-free trainer

The brand are doing their bit to help the planet
09:07, 15 Oct 2019

With public concern regarding plastic pollution and the climate emergency at an all-time high, fashion brands have to ensure that their products are created from sustainable sources and that can sometimes be difficult.

Each year, the global footwear industry produces more than 20 billion pairs of impossible-to-recycle shoes containing plastic; that’s enough to circle the world 300 times!

With that in mind, WAES Footwear have taken action and launched the world’s first collection of zero-waste, plastic-free trainers.

“Our ambition is to change the way shoes are manufactured, to prove our way is economically viable, and in doing so provide a blueprint for other manufacturers to follow,” reads the brand’s official website.

“Microplastics have penetrated every corner of our environment. We are ingesting them every day, and shoe sole abrasion is a major cause of virgin microplastics.” said co-founder Ed Temperley.

He insists recycling won’t solve the plastic pollution problem and claims instead that products need to be plastic-free and zero-waste from the start. 

Made using organic cotton and organic-tanned leather from Italy with hemp stitching, vegan glue and FSC-certified packaging, the trainers are stylish and perfect for the skate park or wearing around the urban landscape.

Not only will you look the part but you’ll be doing your bit for the planet.


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